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蜜蜂從植物的花中採取含水量約為80%的花蜜或分泌物,存入自己第二個中,在體內轉化酶的作用下經過30分鐘的發酵,回到蜂巢中吐出,蜂巢經常持35℃左右,經過一段時間,水份蒸發,成為水分含量少於20%的蜂蜜,存貯到巢洞中,用蜂蠟密封。 蜂蜜的成分除了葡萄糖果糖之種還含有各種維生素礦物質胺基酸。具有很高的營養價值,1kg的蜂蜜含有2940kcal熱量





[編輯] 蜂蜜的CNS國家標準



(2)花蜜蜂蜜(blossom honey or nectar honey):主要來自植物的花蜜。

(3)蜜露蜂蜜(honeydew honey):主要來自吸吮植物汁液的昆蟲所排出的甜味物質。

在 成分要求上,蜂蜜與花蜜蜂蜜、蜜露蜂蜜的要求也有差別。蜂蜜規定蔗糖含量在2以下、葡萄糖及果糖在70以上;而蜜露蜂蜜容許蔗糖含量在10以下, 蜜露蜂蜜、花蜜混合蜜露蜂蜜45以上。兩者在成分上的差異可能使被當成蜂蜜飲用的物質,無法達到對人體的預期功效──但它們都可以依據CNS標準,合法貼 上"蜂蜜"標籤。 台灣並不生產花蜜蜂蜜與蜜露蜂蜜,所以這種誤會較常發生在進口商品,如盛產蜜露蜂蜜的德國及其他歐洲、南北美及大洋洲區。

[編輯] 蜂蜜的使用

  • 最簡單的是用用溫水沖成飲料,也經常在麵包或烤餅上直接塗抹。
  • 有時也作為在咖啡紅茶等的飲料中代替糖作為調味品使用。蜂蜜的主要成分之一果糖,在高溫時不容易感覺到甜味,所以在熱的飲品中添加蜂蜜時要注意不要過量。
  • 燒烤時加入蜂蜜, 甜味和色澤會更好。
  • 在醫藥上,可以用於治療口腔炎。
  • 中藥上,與中藥材的粉末一起作成蜜丸,例如八味丸(別名:八味地黃丸、桂茯腎氣丸)和桂枝茯苓丸就是用這個方法作成的。
  • 從蜂巢中搾取蜂蜜後剩下的蜂巢的主要材料是蜂蠟,由工蜂所分泌,用來製作蜂巢。蜂蠟可以用來作為蠟燭塗料等的原料。
  • 非洲中部的剛果民主共和國東北部的熱帶雨林生活的俾格米人,在能夠採取蜂蜜的季節將蜂蜜作為主食。俾格米人是狩獵民族,在平時使用長達數百米的網來捕捉小型的鹿,但是從五月開始到六月,則主要以採集蜂蜜為食。


[編輯] 蜂蜜的種類

蜂蜜因為花源的不同色、香、味和成分也不同,在中國地區常見的可以分為椴樹蜜,棗花蜜,槐花蜜,荔枝蜜,柑桔花蜜、紫雲英蜜,荊條蜜,狼牙蜜等。 根據蜂蜜的質量和含水量還可以分為一級蜜,二級蜜等。各國所產的蜂蜜也因花源的不同而有不同的顏色和形態。

  • 紫雲英蜜
    • 色淡,微香,少異味。
  • 苜蓿花蜜
    • 全世界產量最多,有濃郁的香味和甜味,口感溫和。
  • 槐花蜜
    • 顏色較淡淺,甜而不膩,不易結晶,有洋槐特有的清香。
  • 荔枝蜜
    • 顏色較淡,氣味清香,易結晶,有荔枝香味。
  • 柑桔花蜜
    • 色淡,微酸,結晶細膩。

台灣則以龍眼蜜及荔枝蜜為主,主要採蜜期則在4-5月之間。 依不同季節則因不同花源而產生文旦蜜、柑橘蜜、哈密瓜蜜、咸豐草蜜、蔓澤蘭蜜等等不同,主要不同在香味。


[編輯] 產量


  1. 中國 - 20.6萬噸 (20.3%)
  2. 美國 - 9萬噸 (7.1%)
  3. 阿根廷 - 8萬5000噸 (6.7%)
  4. 土耳其 - 6萬噸 (4.7%)
  5. 烏克蘭 - 6萬噸 (4.7%)



[編輯] 歷史

  • 西班牙黎凡特崖發現的距今約1萬年前的壁畫上就有描繪著女性從蜂巢中採取蜂蜜的圖畫。
  • 古希臘哲學家亞里士多德在他的著作『動物誌』中也有著關於養蜂的記述,其中寫道,蜜蜂收集的蜂蜜,不是花的分泌物,而是花賜予的甘露。
  • 舊約聖經以色列人的約定地,伽南(Canaan)被描寫成一個「奶和蜜流動的地方」,蜂蜜被視作豐饒的象徵。

[編輯] 現代養蜂

到了19世紀,取得蜂蜜的方法已經簡單到只要從蜂巢中取出巢板。1853年美國人L.L.Langstroth 的著作「巢與蜂蜜」(The Hive and the Honey Bee)中闡述了人工飼養蜜蜂及取得蜂蜜的技術,發明了具有活動巢板的巢箱及用於分離蜂蜜的離心機,確立了現代養蜂業。直到現在,養蜂的基本方法還是延續 L.L.Langstroth的方法。







  • 11月到3月間,蜂箱收回在室內保管,並施展以適合蜜蜂過冬的溫度光照
  • 4月到5月間,蜂后開始產卵,3周後,工蜂開始工作。每個蜂箱需要大約2~3萬隻工蜂。
  • 5月到6月間,將蜂箱放於戶外,進行採蜜作業,巢板儲藏滿蜂蜜後,通過煙來控制蜜蜂的活動,取出巢板用離心力分離機取得蜂蜜。
  • 6月到11月是休整期,蜜蜂採回的蜂蜜由自己使用。

[編輯] 蜜蜂





[編輯] 蜂蜜的採集


[編輯] 蜂巢的構造




[編輯] 動物與蜂蜜



[編輯] 物理特性


  • 結晶化的溫度為10~15攝氏度,因所採取的花蜜種類不同而不同。
  • 作為流體,粘度可以達到5000~6000cP(粘度的單位為P,1P=0.1Pa·s,通常用cP表示,水在20攝氏度時的粘度為1cP。)番茄醬的粘度為2000~3000cP,色拉醬的粘度約為20萬cP。

[編輯] 其他

大 家好!歡迎來到元福麻油廠的世界,首先恭喜您來到這接受新的資訊讓產業更有競爭力,我們是提供專業食用油製造商,應對廠商高品質的油品需求,我們可以協 助廠商滿足您對產業的不同要求,我們有能力達到非常卓越的客戶需求品質,這是現有相關技術無法比擬的,我們成功的滿足了各行各業的要求,包括:專業調味配 方、白麻油、黑麻油、花生油、苦茶油、食用油與食材配方調整等相關問題。我們的產品涵蓋了從民生食用油到工業食品級的配方設計;從家庭到五星級飯店;從小 型食品加工生產到大型食品工廠量產;全自動整合;我們的技術可提供您連續食品加工生產的效能,我們整體的服務及卓越的技術,恭迎您親自體驗!!

元福麻油廠(專製黑麻油、花生油、苦茶油、白麻油)YOUNG FULL FOOD COMPANY http://www.sesameoil.com.tw/、 元福麻油廠專業生產純正精煉的黑麻油、胡麻油、白麻油、小香油、花生油、苦茶油、茶籽油、茶油,特製的芝麻醬、黑麻醬、花生醬、香蔥醬,並有多種口味的北 港名產、傳統禮餅、北港囍餅、餅乾糖果、訂婚囍餅、古製醬菜、傳統麻咾、花生禮品,秉持發揚傳統榨油精華,創造健康的美食文化。

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אגוז אדמה
אגוז אדמה
מיון מדעי
ממלכה: צומח
מערכה: בעלי פרחים
מחלקה: דו פסיגיים
סדרה: קיטניתאים
משפחה: פרפרניים
סוג: Arachis
מין: אגוז אדמה
שם מדעי
Arachis hypogaea

אגוז אדמה, המכונה גם בוטן, הוא זרעו האכיל של הצמח ארכיס תת קרקעי (Arachis hypogaea). למרות שמו, אגוז האדמה אינו אגוז על-פי הגדרתו הבוטאנית, אלא קטניה.

שמם המקובל של אגוזי האדמה, "בוטנים", ניתן להם בטעות, מכיוון במקורותינו משמש שם זה לציון הפרי של האלה האמיתית (אלת הבטנה).

הבוטנים גדלים מתחת לאדמה בתוך תרמיל עצי, כל תרמיל מכיל בדרך-כלל זוג זרעים.

הבוטנים נאכלים כשהם קלויים ומומלחים, מבושלים במי-מלח, או ללא עיבוד כלל. הם משמשים לייצור חטיפים (דוגמת "במבה"), ממרחים (דוגמת חמאת בוטנים) ומוצרי מזון שונים נוספים. השמן המופק מהם משמש לעתים לטיגון.

למרות שמרבית האנשים נהנים מאכילת בוטנים, ישנם אנשים הסובלים מאלרגיה חריפה לפרי זה. עבור אנשים אלה, אפילו אכילת בוטן יחיד (או אף שאיפת אבק מבוטנים) עלולה להוביל לתגובה קשה ואף למוות. שמן בוטנים אינו מכיל את כל החלבונים הקיימים בבוטן עצמו (שלא כמו חמאת בוטנים המשמרת את רובו), כך שמעט מאוד אנשים אלרגיים אליו.

בוטנים מכילים שפע של ויטמינים ומינרלים כגון:

שדה אגוזי אדמה בנגב המערבי
大 家好!歡迎來到元福麻油廠的世界,首先恭喜您來到這接受新的資訊讓產業更有競爭力,我們是提供專業食用油製造商,應對廠商高品質的油品需求,我們可以協 助廠商滿足您對產業的不同要求,我們有能力達到非常卓越的客戶需求品質,這是現有相關技術無法比擬的,我們成功的滿足了各行各業的要求,包括:專業調味配 方、白麻油、黑麻油、花生油、苦茶油、食用油與食材配方調整等相關問題。我們的產品涵蓋了從民生食用油到工業食品級的配方設計;從家庭到五星級飯店;從小 型食品加工生產到大型食品工廠量產;全自動整合;我們的技術可提供您連續食品加工生產的效能,我們整體的服務及卓越的技術,恭迎您親自體驗!!

元福麻油廠(專製黑麻油、花生油、苦茶油、白麻油)YOUNG FULL FOOD COMPANY http://www.sesameoil.com.tw/、 元福麻油廠專業生產純正精煉的黑麻油、胡麻油、白麻油、小香油、花生油、苦茶油、茶籽油、茶油,特製的芝麻醬、黑麻醬、花生醬、香蔥醬,並有多種口味的北 港名產、傳統禮餅、北港囍餅、餅乾糖果、訂婚囍餅、古製醬菜、傳統麻咾、花生禮品,秉持發揚傳統榨油精華,創造健康的美食文化。

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Arachis hypogaea
Clasificación científica
Reino: Plantae(rolistico)
División: Magnoliophyta
Clase: Magnoliopsida
Orden: Fabales
Familia: Fabaceae
Subfamilia: Faboideae
Tribu: Aeschynomeneae
Género: Arachis
Especie: A. hypogaea
Para otros usos de este término véase Maní (desambiguación).

El maní, cacahuate o cacahuete (Arachis hypogaea) o es una planta anual de la familia de los guisantes (Fabaceae), cuyos frutos, de tipo legumbre contienen semillas apreciadas en gastronomía.

Tabla de contenidos


Características [editar]

La planta es fibrosa y mide de 30 a 50 cm de altura. Los frutos crecen bajo el suelo dentro de una cáscara leñosa que, normalmente, contiene dos semillas. Se le conoce vulgarmente como fruto seco.

Cultivo [editar]

Cacahuetes salados
Cacahuetes salados

A. hypogaea, que es de origen americano, ha sido cultivada para el aprovechamiento de sus semillas desde hace 4000 ó 5000 años. Los conquistadores españoles observaron su consumo en México-Tenochtitlan, la capital del imperio azteca, en el siglo XVI, y posteriormente lo distribuyeron por Europa y el resto del mundo, junto con otros mercantes europeos. Se cultiva en mayo, y se recolecta en finales de otoño.

Lo que no pudieron observar los españoles fue que ya el Señor de Sipán en el norte del Perú se adornaba con réplicas de maníes en oro: orejeras, collares y demás joyas que se exhiben ahora en el Museo de Sipán. Las Tumbas Reales de Huaca Rajada fueron descubiertas en 1987 y asombra su tecnología en el manejo de los metales. Perteneciente a la cultura pre-inca de los Mochicas, se ha fechado en el año 250 d.c.

En la actualidad su cultivo se ha extendido ampliamente por regiones de Asia y África. Las cáscaras, obtenidas como subproducto, se emplean como combustible.

Plagas [editar]

La infección por ciertas especies de hongos (Aspergillus flavus o A. parasiticus) contamina las semillas con aflatoxinas, peligrosas sustancias cancerígenas.

Nomenclatura [editar]

El término viene del náhuatl tlālcacahuatl, que significa cacao de la tierra, de tlalli: 'tierra, suelo', porque la vaina de sus semillas está bajo tierra y cacahuatl: 'granos de cacao'. El árbol y su fruto se conocen en México como cacahuate o cacahuete. Mientras que España ha adoptado este último término, en casi todos los demás países de habla hispana se emplea el vocablo taíno maní. Imprecisamente a veces se le llama nuez o avellana, que en realidad corresponden a otros vegetales.

Usos [editar]


Con este fruto se obtienen alimentos tales como la mantequilla de maní; manteca de mani o el aceite de mani muy empleado en la cocina de la India y del sureste de Asia.

En México es común encontrarlos en diferentes presentaciones como botana o golosina (salados, japoneses, garrapiñados, enchilados, etc.) o en forma de un dulce tradicional muy nutritivo hecho con manies y miel llamado palanqueta (también se puede hacer con otras semillas, como pepitas de calabaza). Asimismo se utiliza para preparar distintos guisos, como el pollo en salsa de cacahuate.

En España se consume la semilla cruda o tostada, denominándose entonces panchito en áreas localizadas.

En Argentina, gran productor de mani;, éste se consume tostado con sus granos o en garrapiñadas y pralinés o recubiertos por una capa de chocolate o, a la inversa, dentro de tabletas de chocolate, siendo también uno de los componentes principales de las picadas; cuando se ingresa a un bar, pub, restaurante o "boliche" argentino y se pide una cerveza es muy común que ésta sea acompañada de "yapa" (gratuitamente) con lo que se llama "con ingredientes", los cuales consisten en un platillo o pequeña bandeja que contenga granos de maní tostado y salado, generalmente acompañados por una pequeña porción de papas fritas y "palitos salados" (pequeños palitos hechos de una masa de harina, los cuales son fritados y salados). En cuanto a la manteca de maní ésta se produce en gran cantidad pero su destino suele ser la exportación (el gusto por tal "manteca" está relativamente poco difundido aún entre la población argentina) si bien es muy común que se la consuma en una especie de variante sólida muy parecida a un turrón: el llamado postre mantecol.

大 家好!歡迎來到元福麻油廠的世界,首先恭喜您來到這接受新的資訊讓產業更有競爭力,我們是提供專業食用油製造商,應對廠商高品質的油品需求,我們可以協 助廠商滿足您對產業的不同要求,我們有能力達到非常卓越的客戶需求品質,這是現有相關技術無法比擬的,我們成功的滿足了各行各業的要求,包括:專業調味配 方、白麻油、黑麻油、花生油、苦茶油、食用油與食材配方調整等相關問題。我們的產品涵蓋了從民生食用油到工業食品級的配方設計;從家庭到五星級飯店;從小 型食品加工生產到大型食品工廠量產;全自動整合;我們的技術可提供您連續食品加工生產的效能,我們整體的服務及卓越的技術,恭迎您親自體驗!!

元福麻油廠(專製黑麻油、花生油、苦茶油、白麻油)YOUNG FULL FOOD COMPANY http://www.sesameoil.com.tw/、 元福麻油廠專業生產純正精煉的黑麻油、胡麻油、白麻油、小香油、花生油、苦茶油、茶籽油、茶油,特製的芝麻醬、黑麻醬、花生醬、香蔥醬,並有多種口味的北 港名產、傳統禮餅、北港囍餅、餅乾糖果、訂婚囍餅、古製醬菜、傳統麻咾、花生禮品,秉持發揚傳統榨油精華,創造健康的美食文化。

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For other uses, see Honey (disambiguation).
A jar of honey, shown with a wooden honey server and scones/biscuits.
A jar of honey, shown with a wooden honey server and scones/biscuits.
A capped frame of honeycomb
A capped frame of honeycomb
A honey bee on calyx of goldenrod
A honey bee on calyx of goldenrod

Honey is a sweet and viscous fluid produced by honey bees, and derived from the nectar of flowers. According to the United States National Honey Board and various international food regulations, "honey stipulates a pure product that does not allow for the addition of any other substance...this includes, but is not limited to, water or other sweeteners". This article refers exclusively to the honey produced by honey bees (the genus Apis); honey produced by other bees or other insects has very different properties.[1]

Honey is significantly sweeter than table sugar and has attractive chemical properties for baking.[2] Honey has a distinctive flavor which leads some people to prefer it over sugar and other sweeteners.

Most microorganisms do not grow in honey because of its low water activity of 0.6[3]. However, it is important to note that honey frequently contains dormant endospores of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which can be dangerous to infants as the endospores can transform into toxin-producing bacteria in the infant's immature intestinal tract, leading to illness and even death[4] (See "Precautions" below).

The study of pollens and spores in raw honey (melissopalynology) can determine floral sources of honey[5]. Because bees carry an electrostatic charge, and can attract other particles, the same techniques of melissopalynology can be used in area environmental studies of radioactive particles, dust, or particulate pollution[6][7].

A main effect of bees collecting nectar to make honey is pollination, which is crucial for flowering plants[8].

The beekeeper encourages overproduction of honey within the hive so that the excess can be taken without endangering the bees. When sources of foods for the bees are short the beekeeper may have to give the bees supplementary nutrition[9].

[edit] Honey formation

Honey is laid down by bees as a food source. In cold weather or when food sources are scarce, bees use their stored honey as their source of energy[10]. By contriving for the bee swarm to make its home in a hive, people have been able to semi-domesticate the insects. In the hive there are three types of bee: the single queen bee, a seasonally variable number of drone bees to fertilize new queens and some 20,000 to 40,000 worker bees[11]. The worker bees raise larvae and collect the nectar that will become honey in the hive. They go out, collect the sugar-rich flower nectar and return to the hive. As they leave the flower, bees release Nasonov pheromones. These enable other bees to find their way to the site by smell[12]. Honeybees also release Nasonov pheromones at the entrance to the hive, which enables returning bees to return to the proper hive[12]. In the hive the bees use their "honey stomachs" to ingest and regurgitate the nectar a number of times until it is partially digested[13]. It is then stored in the honeycomb. Nectar is high in both water content and natural yeasts which, unchecked, would cause the sugars in the nectar to ferment[10]. After the final regurgitation, the honeycomb is left unsealed. Bees inside the hive fan their wings, creating a strong draft across the honeycomb which enhances evaporation of much of the water from the nectar[10]. The reduction in water content, which raises the sugar concentration, prevents fermentation. Ripe honey, as removed from the hive by the beekeeper, has a long shelf life and will not ferment[10].

[edit] Nutrition

Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy 300 kcal 1270 kJ
Carbohydrates 82.4 g
- Sugars 82.12 g
- Dietary fiber 0.2 g
Fat 0 g
Protein 0.3 g
Water 17.10 g
Riboflavin (Vit. B2) .038 mg 3%
Niacin (Vit. B3) .121 mg 1%
Pantothenic acid (B5) .068 mg 1%
Vitamin B6 .024 mg 2%
Folate (Vit. B9) 2 μg 1%
Vitamin C 0.5 mg 1%
Calcium 6 mg 1%
Iron .42 mg 3%
Magnesium 2 mg 1%
Phosphorus 4 mg 1%
Potassium 52 mg 1%
Sodium 4 mg 0%
Zinc .22 mg 2%
Shown is for 100 g, roughly 5 tbsp.
Percentages are relative to US
recommendations for adults.
Source: USDA Nutrient database

Honey is a mixture of sugars and other compounds. With respect to carbohydrates, honey is mainly fructose (about 38.5%) and glucose (about 31.0%)[2]. The remaining carbohydrates include maltose, sucrose, and other complex carbohydrates[2].

Honey contains trace amounts of several vitamins and minerals[14]. As with all nutritive sweeteners, honey is mostly sugars and is not a significant source of vitamins or minerals[15].

Honey also contains tiny amounts of several compounds thought to function as antioxidants, including chrysin, pinobanksin, vitamin C, catalase, and pinocembrin[16][17].

The specific composition of any batch of honey will depend largely on the mix of flowers available to the bees that produced the honey.[15]

Honey has a density of about 1.4 kg/liter (40% denser than water)[18].

Typical honey analysis[15]

The analysis of the sugar content of honey is used for detecting adulteration.[citation needed]

[edit] Types of honey

[edit] Blended

Most commercially available honey is blended, meaning that it is a mixture of two or more honeys differing in floral source, color, flavor, density or geographic origin.

[edit] Polyfloral

Polyfloral honey is derived from the nectar of many types of flowers.

[edit] Monofloral

Main article: Monofloral honey

Different monofloral honeys have a distinctive flavor and colour due to differences between their principal nectar sources. Beekeepers keep monofloral beehives in an area where the bees have access to only one type of flower, because of that flower's properties. In practice, because of the difficulties in containing bees, a small proportion of any honey will be from additional nectar from other flower types.

[edit] Honeydew Honey

Instead of taking nectar, bees can take honeydew, the sweet secretions of aphids or other plant sap-sucking insects. Bees collecting this resource have to be fed protein supplements, as honeydew lacks the protein-rich pollen accompaniment gathered from flowers.

Germany's Black Forest is a well known source of honeydew-based honeys. Honeydew honey is popular in some areas, but in many areas beekeepers have difficulty selling the stronger flavored product.

Honeydew honey has a much larger proportion of indigestibles than light floral honeys, which can cause dysentery, resulting in the death of colonies in areas with cold winters. Good beekeeping management requires the removal of honeydew prior to winter in colder areas.

[edit] Honey processing

  • Comb honey Honey sold still in the original bees' wax comb. Comb honey was once packaged by installing a wooden framework in special honey supers, but this labor intensive method is being replaced by plastic rings or cartridges. With the new approach, a clear cover is usually fitted onto the cartridge after removal from the hive so customers can see the product[citation needed].
  • Certified Organic Honey, according to the USDA, organic honey is quite rare to find due to the fact that most beekeepers "routinely use sulfa compounds and antibiotics to control bee diseases, carbolic acid to remove honey from the hive and calcium cyanide to kill colonies before extracting the honey, not to mention that conventional honeybees gather nectar from plants that have been sprayed with pesticides."
  • Raw honey Honey as it exists in the beehive or as obtained by extraction, settling or straining without adding heat above 120 degrees fahrenheit. Raw honey contains some pollen and may contain small particles of wax. Local raw honey is sought after by allergy sufferers as the pollen impurities are thought to lessen the sensitivity to hay fever (see Medical Applications below).
  • Chunk honey Honey packed in widemouth containers consisting of one or more pieces of comb honey surrounded by extracted liquid honey.
  • Strained honey or filtered honey Honey which has been passed through a mesh material to remove particulate material (pieces of wax, propolis, other defects) without removing pollen. Preferred by the health food trade - it may have a cloudy appearance due to the included pollen, and it also tends to crystallize more quickly than ultrafiltered honey[citation needed].
  • Ultrafiltered honey Honey processed by very fine filtration under high pressure to remove all extraneous solids and pollen grains. The process typically heats honey to 150-170 degrees to more easily pass through the fine filter. Ultrafiltered honey is very clear and has a longer shelf life, because it crystallizes more slowly due to the high temperatures breaking down any sugar seed crystals, making it preferred by the supermarket trade. Ultrafiltration eliminates nutrionally valuable enzymes, such as diastase and invertase[citation needed].
  • Heat-Treated honey Heat-treatment after extraction reduces the moisture level and destroys yeast cells. Heating liquefies crystals in the honey, too. Heat-exposure does also result in product deterioration, as it increases the level of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and reduces enzyme (e.g. diastase) activity. The heat does also affect sensory qualities and reduces the freshness. Heat processing can darken the natural honey color (browning), too. [1]
  • Ultrasonicated honey Ultrasonication is a non-thermal processing alternative for honey. When honey is exposed to ultrasonication, most of the yeast cells are destroyed. Yeast cells that survive sonication generally lose their ability to grow. This reduces the rate of honey fermentation substantially. Ultrasonication does also eliminate existing crystals and inhibit further crystallization in honey. Ultrasonically aided liquefaction can work at substantially lower temperatures of approx. 35 °C and can reduce liquefaction time to less than 30 seconds.[2]

[edit] Other descriptions

  • Churned honey or creamed honey See whipped honey.
  • Crystallized honey Honey in which some of the glucose content has spontaneously crystallized from solution as the monohydrate. Also called "granulated honey."
  • Honey fondant See whipped honey.
  • Organic honey is honey produced, processed, and packaged in accordance with national regulations, and certified as such by some government body or an independent organic farming certification organization. For example, in the United Kingdom, the standard covers not only the origin of bees, but also the siting of the apiaries. These must be on land that is certified as organic, and within a radius of 4 miles from the apiary site, nectar and pollen sources must consist essentially of organic crops or uncultivated areas[3].
  • Set honey All honey will eventually set or granulate and this process can be reversed by gently warming the honey to remelt it. Some honeys set naturally with large granules and taste a little like granulated sugar in honey. Others set like royal icing - very hard and unspreadable. To overcome this problem beekeepers will mix in a small amount of fine-grained honey before it sets and then gently stir the honey to fix the setting prematurely, before it becomes hard, thereby producing a "soft set" honey.
  • Spun honey See whipped honey.

[edit] Honey in history, culture and folklore

In many cultures, honey has associations that go far beyond its use as a food. In language and literature, religion and folk belief, honey is frequently a symbol or talisman for sweetness of every kind.

[edit] Honey collection

Honey collection by humans is an ancient activity. Bee Wilson (2004) states that humans began hunting for honey at least 10,000 years ago. Bee Wilson (2004: p.5) evidences this with a depiction a line drawing of a Mesolithic rock painting showing two honey-hunters collecting honey and honeycomb from a wild nest. The two men are naked and employ a long wobbly ladder which appears to be made out of a kind of grass in order to reach the wild nest. Both men carry baskets or bags. This rock painting is on a wall in a cave in Valencia, Spain.

[edit] Biblical Period

The Old Testament contains many references to honey as a symbol for all that is pleasant and desirable. For example, the book of Exodus famously describes the Promised Land as a 'land flowing with milk and honey' (33:3). There, however, the Hebrew devash refers to the sweet syrup produced from the juice of the date. In contrast, bees' honey is referred to explicitly in The Book of Judges when Samson found a swarm of bees and honey in the carcass of a lion (14:8). Matthew 3:4 John the Baptist lived for a long period of time in the wilderness on a diet consisting of locusts and wild honey. The word "honey" appears 61 times in the King James Version of the Bible.

In Jewish tradition, honey is also a symbol for the new year – Rosh Hashana. At the traditional meal for that holiday, apple slices are dipped into honey and eaten to bring a sweet new year. New Year's greetings for Rosh Hashana very often show honey and an apple, symbolizing the feast. In may congregations, small, plastic straws of honey are given out to usher in the new year.

[edit] Asian region

Honey plays an important role in the festival of Modhu Purnima, celebrated by Buddhists in India and Bangladesh. The day commemorates Buddha's making peace among his disciples by retreating into the wilderness. The story goes that while he was there, a monkey brought him honey to eat. On Modhu Purnima, Buddhists remember this act by giving honey to monks. The monkey's gift is frequently depicted in Buddhist art.

[edit] Mediterranean region

During the Roman Empire, honey was used instead of gold to pay taxes.[citation needed] Even earlier, in the accounts of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Seti I, one hundred pots of honey were equivalent in value to an ass or an ox.[citation needed]

In some parts of Greece, it was formerly the custom for a bride to dip her fingers in honey and make the sign of the cross before entering her new home. This was meant to ensure sweetness in her married life, especially in her relationship with her mother-in-law.

In ancient history, the Ancient Egyptian and Middle-Eastern peoples also used honey for embalming the dead.[19] However, only rich and powerful people had the luxury of this type of funeral. Scythians, and later the other Central Asian nomadic people, for many months drove a wagon with a deceased ruler around the country in their last rites mourning procession, carrying the body in a casket filled with honey.

After his death in battle, the head of Vlad III Ţepeş (of later Dracula fame) was cut off and presented to the Sultan of Turkey, preserved in a jar of honey.

[edit] Western culture

In Western culture, bears are depicted as eating honey, even though most bears actually eat a wide variety of foods, and bears seen at beehives are usually more interested in bee larvae than honey. [20] Honey is sometimes sold in a bear-shaped jar. Teddy bears are associated with honey, possibly because of the influence of Winnie-the-Pooh.[citation needed]

"Honey," along with variations like "honey bun" and "honeypot" and the abbreviation "hon," has become a term of endearment in most of the English-speaking world. In some places it is used for loved ones; in others, such as the American South, it is used when addressing casual acquaintances or even strangers.

[edit] Islamic tradition

The Qur'an mentions rivers of honey in paradise.[21]

"And thy Lord taught the bee to build its cells in hills, on trees and in (men's) habitations...there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for mankind. Verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought".[22]

There is entire Sora in Qur'an called (the Bees) alnahl. According to the hadith of Bukhari, Muhammad liked honey and other sweet things.[23] Prophet Mohammed strongly recommend honey for healing purposes.

[edit] Modern use of honey

Honey output in 2005

Honey output in 2005

In 2005, China, Turkey and the US were the top producers of natural honey, reports FAO.

The main uses of honey are in cooking, baking, as a spread on breads, and as an addition to various beverages such as tea and as a sweetener in commercial beverages such as Sprecher's root beer. Because honey is hygroscopic (drawing moisture from the air), a small quantity of honey added to a pastry recipe will retard staling.[citation needed] Raw honey also contains enzymes that help in its digestion[citation needed], several vitamins and antioxidants.

Honey is the main ingredient in the alcoholic beverage mead, which is also known as "honey wine" or "honey beer" (although it is neither wine nor beer). It is also used as an adjunct in beer. Beer brewed with more than 30% honey as a source of sugar by weight, or mead brewed with malt (with or without hops), is known as braggot.

Its glycemic index ranges from 31 to 78 depending on the variety. (http://www.rirdc.gov.au/reports/HBE/05-027.pdf)

[edit] Ethical concerns

Some vegetarians and vegans avoid using honey because it is an animal product, instead choosing sweetening alternatives such as sugar, maple syrup, agave nectar, rice syrup, dried fruit or stevia.[4] Bees are often killed and hurt due to the human manipulation of beekeeping for industrial production.[5]

[edit] Medicinal uses and health effects of honey

For at least 2700 years, honey has been used to treat a variety of ailments through topical application, but only recently have the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of honey been chemically explained. As an antimicrobial agent honey may have the potential for treating a variety of ailments. One New Zealand researcher says a particular type of honey may be useful in treating MRSA.[24] Antibacterial properties of honey are the result of the low water activity causing osmosis, hydrogen peroxide effect,[25] and high acidity.[26]

[edit] Osmotic effect

Honey is primarily a saturated mixture of two monosaccharides. This mixture has a low water activity; most of the water molecules are associated with the sugars and few remain available for microorganisms, so it is a poor environment for their growth.

[edit] Anti-oxidants

A study found that certain anti-oxidants and vitamins are found in honey in concentrations similar to those in some fruits and vegetables[6][7][8].

[edit] Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide in honey is activated by dilution. However, unlike medical hydrogen peroxide, commonly 3% by volume, it is present in a concentration of only 1 mmol/l in honey. Iron in honey oxidizes the oxygen free radicals released by the hydrogen peroxide.

glucose + H2O + O2 → gluconic acid + H2O2

When used topically (as, for example, a wound dressing), hydrogen peroxide is produced by dilution with body fluids. As a result, hydrogen peroxide is released slowly and acts as an antiseptic.

[edit] In diabetic ulcers

Topical honey has been used successfully in a comprehensive treatment of diabetic ulcers when the patient cannot use other topical antibiotics.[27]

[edit] Acidity

The pH of honey is commonly between 3.2 and 4.5.[26] This relatively acidic pH level prevents the growth of many bacteria.

[edit] Nutraceutical effects

According to recent findings, honey may have some significant nutraceutical effects (or positive long-term health effects resulting from honey's consumption). In addition to its primary carbohydrate content, honey often contains polyphenols, which can act as antioxidants.[28] Antioxidants in honey have even been implicated in reducing the damage done to the colon in colitis.[29] Furthermore, some studies suggest that honey may be effective in increasing the populations of probiotic bacteria in the gut, which may help strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, lower cholesterol[30][31][32] and prevent colon cancer.[33]

Such claims are consistent with its use in many traditions of folk medicine.[34]

[edit] Other medical applications

Some studies suggest that the topical use of honey may reduce odors, swelling, and scarring when used to treat wounds; it may also prevent the dressing from sticking to the healing wound.[26]

Honey has been shown to be an effective treatment for conjunctivitis in rats.[35]

Honey (especially when combined with lemon) is often taken orally by pharyngitis and laryngitis sufferers, in order to soothe them.[citation needed]

Though widely believed to alleviate allergies, local honey has been shown to be no more effective than placebos in controlled studies.[36] This may be due to the fact that most seasonal allergies are caused by tree and grass pollens, which honeybees do not collect.

[edit] Precautions

Due to the natural presence of botulinum endospores in honey, children under one year of age should not be given honey. The more developed digestive systems of older children and adults generally destroy the spores. Infants, however, can contract botulism from honey.[37]

Honey produced from the flowers of rhododendrons, mountain laurels, sheep laurel and azaleas may cause Honey Intoxication. Symptoms include dizziness, weakness, excessive perspiration, nausea and vomiting. Less commonly, low blood pressure, shock, heart rhythm irregularities and convulsions may occur, with rare cases resulting in death. Honey Intoxication is more likely when using "natural" unprocessed honey and honey from farmers who may have a small number of hives. Commercial processing, with pooling of honey from numerous sources generally dilutes any toxins.[38]

Toxic honey may also result when bees are in close proximity to tutu bushes (Coriaria arborea) and the vine hopper insect (Scolypopa australis).[citation needed] Both are found throughout New Zealand. Bees gather honeydew produced by the vine hopper insects feeding on the tutu plant. This introduces the poison tutin into honey. Only a few areas in New Zealand (Coromandel Peninsula, Eastern Bay of Plenty and the Marlborough Sound) frequently produce toxic honey. Symptoms of tutin poisoning include vomiting, delirium, giddiness, increased excitability, stupor, coma and violent convulsions. As little as one teaspoon of toxic honey may produce severe effects in humans.[citation needed] In order to reduce the risk of tutin poisoning, humans should not eat honey taken from feral hives in the risk areas of New Zealand. Since December 2001, New Zealand beekeepers have been required to reduce the risk of producing toxic honey by closely monitoring tutu, vine hopper, and foraging conditions within 3 km of their apiary.

[edit] Images of harvesting honey

A beekeeper removing frames from the hive

A frame

Smoking the hive

Using a blower to remove bees from honey super prior to removal to honey house

Opening the cells: Uncapping

An uncapping fork

Uncapping the cells by hand using an uncapping knife

Extracting the honey

Filtering the honey

Pouring in pots (after maturation)

[edit] See also

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[edit] External links

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蜜蜂從植物的花中採取含水量約為80%的花蜜或分泌物,存入自己第二個中,在體內轉化酶的作用下經過30分鐘的發酵,回到蜂巢中吐出,蜂巢經常持35℃左右,經過一段時間,水份蒸發,成為水分含量少於20%的蜂蜜,存貯到巢洞中,用蜂蠟密封。 蜂蜜的成分除了葡萄糖果糖之種還含有各種維生素礦物質胺基酸。具有很高的營養價值,1kg的蜂蜜含有2940kcal熱量





[編輯] 蜂蜜的CNS國家標準



(2)花蜜蜂蜜(blossom honey or nectar honey):主要來自植物的花蜜。

(3)蜜露蜂蜜(honeydew honey):主要來自吸吮植物汁液的昆蟲所排出的甜味物質。

在 成分要求上,蜂蜜與花蜜蜂蜜、蜜露蜂蜜的要求也有差別。蜂蜜規定蔗糖含量在2以下、葡萄糖及果糖在70以上;而蜜露蜂蜜容許蔗糖含量在10以下, 蜜露蜂蜜、花蜜混合蜜露蜂蜜45以上。兩者在成分上的差異可能使被當成蜂蜜飲用的物質,無法達到對人體的預期功效──但它們都可以依據CNS標準,合法貼 上"蜂蜜"標籤。 台灣並不生產花蜜蜂蜜與蜜露蜂蜜,所以這種誤會較常發生在進口商品,如盛產蜜露蜂蜜的德國及其他歐洲、南北美及大洋洲區。

[編輯] 蜂蜜的使用

  • 最簡單的是用用溫水沖成飲料,也經常在麵包或烤餅上直接塗抹。
  • 有時也作為在咖啡紅茶等的飲料中代替糖作為調味品使用。蜂蜜的主要成分之一果糖,在高溫時不容易感覺到甜味,所以在熱的飲品中添加蜂蜜時要注意不要過量。
  • 燒烤時加入蜂蜜, 甜味和色澤會更好。
  • 在醫藥上,可以用於治療口腔炎。
  • 中藥上,與中藥材的粉末一起作成蜜丸,例如八味丸(別名:八味地黃丸、桂茯腎氣丸)和桂枝茯苓丸就是用這個方法作成的。
  • 從蜂巢中搾取蜂蜜後剩下的蜂巢的主要材料是蜂蠟,由工蜂所分泌,用來製作蜂巢。蜂蠟可以用來作為蠟燭塗料等的原料。
  • 非洲中部的剛果民主共和國東北部的熱帶雨林生活的俾格米人,在能夠採取蜂蜜的季節將蜂蜜作為主食。俾格米人是狩獵民族,在平時使用長達數百米的網來捕捉小型的鹿,但是從五月開始到六月,則主要以採集蜂蜜為食。


[編輯] 蜂蜜的種類

蜂蜜因為花源的不同色、香、味和成分也不同,在中國地區常見的可以分為椴樹蜜,棗花蜜,槐花蜜,荔枝蜜,柑桔花蜜、紫雲英蜜,荊條蜜,狼牙蜜等。 根據蜂蜜的質量和含水量還可以分為一級蜜,二級蜜等。各國所產的蜂蜜也因花源的不同而有不同的顏色和形態。

  • 紫雲英蜜
    • 色淡,微香,少異味。
  • 苜蓿花蜜
    • 全世界產量最多,有濃郁的香味和甜味,口感溫和。
  • 槐花蜜
    • 顏色較淡淺,甜而不膩,不易結晶,有洋槐特有的清香。
  • 荔枝蜜
    • 顏色較淡,氣味清香,易結晶,有荔枝香味。
  • 柑桔花蜜
    • 色淡,微酸,結晶細膩。

台灣則以龍眼蜜及荔枝蜜為主,主要採蜜期則在4-5月之間。 依不同季節則因不同花源而產生文旦蜜、柑橘蜜、哈密瓜蜜、咸豐草蜜、蔓澤蘭蜜等等不同,主要不同在香味。


[編輯] 產量


  1. 中國 - 20.6萬噸 (20.3%)
  2. 美國 - 9萬噸 (7.1%)
  3. 阿根廷 - 8萬5000噸 (6.7%)
  4. 土耳其 - 6萬噸 (4.7%)
  5. 烏克蘭 - 6萬噸 (4.7%)



[編輯] 歷史

  • 西班牙黎凡特崖發現的距今約1萬年前的壁畫上就有描繪著女性從蜂巢中採取蜂蜜的圖畫。
  • 古希臘哲學家亞里士多德在他的著作『動物誌』中也有著關於養蜂的記述,其中寫道,蜜蜂收集的蜂蜜,不是花的分泌物,而是花賜予的甘露。
  • 舊約聖經以色列人的約定地,伽南(Canaan)被描寫成一個「奶和蜜流動的地方」,蜂蜜被視作豐饒的象徵。

[編輯] 現代養蜂

到了19世紀,取得蜂蜜的方法已經簡單到只要從蜂巢中取出巢板。1853年美國人L.L.Langstroth 的著作「巢與蜂蜜」(The Hive and the Honey Bee)中闡述了人工飼養蜜蜂及取得蜂蜜的技術,發明了具有活動巢板的巢箱及用於分離蜂蜜的離心機,確立了現代養蜂業。直到現在,養蜂的基本方法還是延續 L.L.Langstroth的方法。







  • 11月到3月間,蜂箱收回在室內保管,並施展以適合蜜蜂過冬的溫度光照
  • 4月到5月間,蜂后開始產卵,3周後,工蜂開始工作。每個蜂箱需要大約2~3萬隻工蜂。
  • 5月到6月間,將蜂箱放於戶外,進行採蜜作業,巢板儲藏滿蜂蜜後,通過煙來控制蜜蜂的活動,取出巢板用離心力分離機取得蜂蜜。
  • 6月到11月是休整期,蜜蜂採回的蜂蜜由自己使用。

[編輯] 蜜蜂





[編輯] 蜂蜜的採集


[編輯] 蜂巢的構造




[編輯] 動物與蜂蜜



[編輯] 物理特性


  • 結晶化的溫度為10~15攝氏度,因所採取的花蜜種類不同而不同。
  • 作為流體,粘度可以達到5000~6000cP(粘度的單位為P,1P=0.1Pa·s,通常用cP表示,水在20攝氏度時的粘度為1cP。)番茄醬的粘度為2000~3000cP,色拉醬的粘度約為20萬cP。

[編輯] 其他

大 家好!歡迎來到元福麻油廠的世界,首先恭喜您來到這接受新的資訊讓產業更有競爭力,我們是提供專業食用油製造商,應對廠商高品質的油品需求,我們可以協 助廠商滿足您對產業的不同要求,我們有能力達到非常卓越的客戶需求品質,這是現有相關技術無法比擬的,我們成功的滿足了各行各業的要求,包括:專業調味配 方、白麻油、黑麻油、花生油、苦茶油、食用油與食材配方調整等相關問題。我們的產品涵蓋了從民生食用油到工業食品級的配方設計;從家庭到五星級飯店;從小 型食品加工生產到大型食品工廠量產;全自動整合;我們的技術可提供您連續食品加工生產的效能,我們整體的服務及卓越的技術,恭迎您親自體驗!!

元福麻油廠(專製黑麻油、花生油、苦茶油、白麻油)YOUNG FULL FOOD COMPANY http://www.sesameoil.com.tw/、 元福麻油廠專業生產純正精煉的黑麻油、胡麻油、白麻油、小香油、花生油、苦茶油、茶籽油、茶油,特製的芝麻醬、黑麻醬、花生醬、香蔥醬,並有多種口味的北 港名產、傳統禮餅、北港囍餅、餅乾糖果、訂婚囍餅、古製醬菜、傳統麻咾、花生禮品,秉持發揚傳統榨油精華,創造健康的美食文化。

sesameoil 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Reference source from the internet.



[編集] 概要


蜂蜜は糖の過飽和溶液で あり、低温で結晶化する。この結晶化したほうがブドウ糖で、結晶化しない蜜の部分には果糖が多く含まれている。冷蔵庫はもちろん、冬期には室内でも固まっ てしまうことがある。湯煎をするなど温めれば元の液状になり、品質上は全く問題はない。花粉などの不純物が多いと、結晶しやすくなる。「低温で固まれば純 粋蜂蜜で固まらなければ加糖蜂蜜」といわれることがあるが、純粋ハチミツでも不純物を濾過しているものは結晶しにくいため、この方法で見分けることはでき ない。


蜂蜜中にはボツリヌス菌の胞子(芽胞) が含まれていることがある。蜂蜜中でボツリヌス菌が繁殖して毒素を作ることはなく、一般的にも蜂蜜中のボツリヌス菌が体内で繁殖するという危険性はほとん どないとされているが、胃酸の分泌など消化器官が未発達な一歳未満の乳児には与えてはいけない(芽胞は高温に耐えるので、オートクレーブの様な高温高圧の滅菌処理でないと芽胞の除去は困難であるが、蜂蜜にこの処理を行うと変質の恐れがある[要出典])。




[編集] 蜂蜜の利用





殺菌、消炎作用があり、創傷の際の消毒に使える他、医薬品として口内炎の治療などに使われる。日本薬局方に医薬品として記載されている。ただし安価な蜂蜜の中には砂糖水などで水増ししたもの(「純粋はちみつ」と銘打ってあるものの中にもこの手の粗悪なものが存在する)も多く、それらには上記の効果は薄いとされる。 漢方薬では、生薬の粉末を蜂蜜で練って丸剤(丸薬)をつくる。八味丸(別名:八味地黄丸、桂茯腎気丸)や桂枝茯苓丸といった方剤がこの方法で造られる。また、甘草黄耆などの生薬を蜂蜜とともに炒め、薬効を変化させることも行われている。





[編集] 蜂蜜の種類



[編集] 生産量


  1. 中国 - 20.6万トン(20.3%)
  2. アメリカ - 9万トン(7.1%)
  3. アルゼンチン - 8万5000トン(6.7%)
  4. トルコ - 6万トン(4.7%)
  5. ウクライナ - 6万トン(4.7%)




[編集] 歴史






19世紀にいたるまでは、蜂蜜を得るには蜂の巣を壊してコロニーを壊滅させ、巣板を取り出すしかなかった。1853年、 アメリカ合衆国のラングストロス(L.L.Langstroth)が自著『巣とミツバチ』"The Hive and the Honey Bee"において、蜂蜜や蜜蝋の採取時にコロニーを崩壊させずに持続的にミツバチを飼育する技術である近代養蜂を開発した。可動式巣枠を備えた巣箱や、蜜 を絞るための遠心分離器の発明により、巣を壊さずに蜂蜜を採取することができる近代的な養蜂業が確立したのである。現在に至るまで養蜂の基本的な手法はラ ングストロスの方法と変化していない。


[編集] ミツバチ






[編集] 蜜の採集


[編集] 蜂の巣の構造



自 然の状態では、ミツバチの巣は巣板と呼ばれる鉛直方向に伸びる平面状の構造のみからなる。ミツバチが利用した空間の形状によっては巣板が傾いてい ることもある。巣板の数はミツバチの種によって異なる。養蜂に用いるニホンミツバチやセイヨウミツバチは複数枚の巣板を形成し、自然の状態でも10枚以上 にのぼることがある。コミツバチなどは巣板を一枚しか作らないため、養蜂には向かない。

[編集] 動物と蜂蜜


さらに、他の動物の手を借りることで蜂蜜を得る鳥類が存在する。主にサハラ以南のアフリカ大陸に分布するキツツキ目ミツオシエ(Indicator minor)は、蜂蜜と蜜蝋を好む。蜂の巣を見つけると、ヒトやアナグマに近づき、鳴き声と特徴的な滑空で位置を知らせる。他の動物が蜂の巣を破壊、摂取した後、食べ残しを得る。この習性を利用し、ミツオシエ用の笛を用いて、積極的にミツオシエを呼び寄せる地域もある。

[編集] 物性

蜂蜜は純粋な化合物ではなく混合物であるため、物性の値には幅がある。特に水分の量に依存する。比重は 約1.4。結晶化する温度は10度~15度であり、素材となった花の種類に左右される。蜂蜜はどろっとした液体の代表とも言える。流体がどれほどどろっと しているかを粘度という。粘度の単位はP(ポアズ、1P=0.1Pa・s)であり、通常cP(センチポアズ)単位で表記する。水の粘度は摂氏20度で1cP。一方、蜂蜜の粘度は5000~6000cPに達する。トマトジュースは2000~3000cP、マヨネーズは20万cP程度である。

[編集] 雑学

  • 新婚旅行を意味する「ハネムーン」(honey moon)の語源は、新婚後一か月間、花婿にハチミツ酒を飲ませ精力をつけさせるという古代ゲルマン人の習慣からきているという説がある。
  • ビンのラベルを見て「賞味期限が 切れていた」と思った人は捨ててしまいがちだが、半永久的に持ち、たとえ切れていても人体にも味にもビンにも影響はないが、結晶が沈殿する。この結晶も影 響はないが、ややかたい。結晶が沈殿してしまったら、ビンのふたを開けたままにして湯煎し続けるとだんだん溶けていく(密閉したまま湯煎すると、ビンが破 裂するので注意)。

[編集] 主な蜂蜜メーカー

[編集] 関連項目

大 家好!歡迎來到元福麻油廠的世界,首先恭喜您來到這接受新的資訊讓產業更有競爭力,我們是提供專業食用油製造商,應對廠商高品質的油品需求,我們可以協 助廠商滿足您對產業的不同要求,我們有能力達到非常卓越的客戶需求品質,這是現有相關技術無法比擬的,我們成功的滿足了各行各業的要求,包括:專業調味配 方、白麻油、黑麻油、花生油、苦茶油、食用油與食材配方調整等相關問題。我們的產品涵蓋了從民生食用油到工業食品級的配方設計;從家庭到五星級飯店;從小 型食品加工生產到大型食品工廠量產;全自動整合;我們的技術可提供您連續食品加工生產的效能,我們整體的服務及卓越的技術,恭迎您親自體驗!!

元福麻油廠(專製黑麻油、花生油、苦茶油、白麻油)YOUNG FULL FOOD COMPANY http://www.sesameoil.com.tw/、 元福麻油廠專業生產純正精煉的黑麻油、胡麻油、白麻油、小香油、花生油、苦茶油、茶籽油、茶油,特製的芝麻醬、黑麻醬、花生醬、香蔥醬,並有多種口味的北 港名產、傳統禮餅、北港囍餅、餅乾糖果、訂婚囍餅、古製醬菜、傳統麻咾、花生禮品,秉持發揚傳統榨油精華,創造健康的美食文化。

sesameoil 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()


Reference source from the internet.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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A jar of honey, shown with a wooden honey server and scones/biscuits.
A jar of honey, shown with a wooden honey server and scones/biscuits.
A capped frame of honeycomb
A capped frame of honeycomb
A honey bee on calyx of goldenrod
A honey bee on calyx of goldenrod

Honey is a sweet and viscous fluid produced by honey bees, and derived from the nectar of flowers. According to the United States National Honey Board and various international food regulations, "honey stipulates a pure product that does not allow for the addition of any other substance...this includes, but is not limited to, water or other sweeteners". This article refers exclusively to the honey produced by honey bees (the genus Apis); honey produced by other bees or other insects has very different properties.[1]

Honey is significantly sweeter than table sugar and has attractive chemical properties for baking.[2] Honey has a distinctive flavor which leads some people to prefer it over sugar and other sweeteners.

Most microorganisms do not grow in honey because of its low water activity of 0.6[3]. However, it is important to note that honey frequently contains dormant endospores of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which can be dangerous to infants as the endospores can transform into toxin-producing bacteria in the infant's immature intestinal tract, leading to illness and even death[4] (See "Precautions" below).

The study of pollens and spores in raw honey (melissopalynology) can determine floral sources of honey[5]. Because bees carry an electrostatic charge, and can attract other particles, the same techniques of melissopalynology can be used in area environmental studies of radioactive particles, dust, or particulate pollution[6][7].

A main effect of bees collecting nectar to make honey is pollination, which is crucial for flowering plants[8].

The beekeeper encourages overproduction of honey within the hive so that the excess can be taken without endangering the bees. When sources of foods for the bees are short the beekeeper may have to give the bees supplementary nutrition[9].

[edit] Honey formation

Honey is laid down by bees as a food source. In cold weather or when food sources are scarce, bees use their stored honey as their source of energy[10]. By contriving for the bee swarm to make its home in a hive, people have been able to semi-domesticate the insects. In the hive there are three types of bee: the single queen bee, a seasonally variable number of drone bees to fertilize new queens and some 20,000 to 40,000 worker bees[11]. The worker bees raise larvae and collect the nectar that will become honey in the hive. They go out, collect the sugar-rich flower nectar and return to the hive. As they leave the flower, bees release Nasonov pheromones. These enable other bees to find their way to the site by smell[12]. Honeybees also release Nasonov pheromones at the entrance to the hive, which enables returning bees to return to the proper hive[12]. In the hive the bees use their "honey stomachs" to ingest and regurgitate the nectar a number of times until it is partially digested[13]. It is then stored in the honeycomb. Nectar is high in both water content and natural yeasts which, unchecked, would cause the sugars in the nectar to ferment[10]. After the final regurgitation, the honeycomb is left unsealed. Bees inside the hive fan their wings, creating a strong draft across the honeycomb which enhances evaporation of much of the water from the nectar[10]. The reduction in water content, which raises the sugar concentration, prevents fermentation. Ripe honey, as removed from the hive by the beekeeper, has a long shelf life and will not ferment[10].

[edit] Nutrition

Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy 300 kcal 1270 kJ
Carbohydrates 82.4 g
- Sugars 82.12 g
- Dietary fiber 0.2 g
Fat 0 g
Protein 0.3 g
Water 17.10 g
Riboflavin (Vit. B2) .038 mg 3%
Niacin (Vit. B3) .121 mg 1%
Pantothenic acid (B5) .068 mg 1%
Vitamin B6 .024 mg 2%
Folate (Vit. B9) 2 μg 1%
Vitamin C 0.5 mg 1%
Calcium 6 mg 1%
Iron .42 mg 3%
Magnesium 2 mg 1%
Phosphorus 4 mg 1%
Potassium 52 mg 1%
Sodium 4 mg 0%
Zinc .22 mg 2%
Shown is for 100 g, roughly 5 tbsp.
Percentages are relative to US
recommendations for adults.
Source: USDA Nutrient database

Honey is a mixture of sugars and other compounds. With respect to carbohydrates, honey is mainly fructose (about 38.5%) and glucose (about 31.0%)[2]. The remaining carbohydrates include maltose, sucrose, and other complex carbohydrates[2].

Honey contains trace amounts of several vitamins and minerals[14]. As with all nutritive sweeteners, honey is mostly sugars and is not a significant source of vitamins or minerals[15].

Honey also contains tiny amounts of several compounds thought to function as antioxidants, including chrysin, pinobanksin, vitamin C, catalase, and pinocembrin[16][17].

The specific composition of any batch of honey will depend largely on the mix of flowers available to the bees that produced the honey.[15]

Honey has a density of about 1.4 kg/liter (40% denser than water)[18].

Typical honey analysis[15]

The analysis of the sugar content of honey is used for detecting adulteration.[citation needed]

[edit] Types of honey

[edit] Blended

Most commercially available honey is blended, meaning that it is a mixture of two or more honeys differing in floral source, color, flavor, density or geographic origin.

[edit] Polyfloral

Polyfloral honey is derived from the nectar of many types of flowers.

[edit] Monofloral

Main article: Monofloral honey

Different monofloral honeys have a distinctive flavor and colour due to differences between their principal nectar sources. Beekeepers keep monofloral beehives in an area where the bees have access to only one type of flower, because of that flower's properties. In practice, because of the difficulties in containing bees, a small proportion of any honey will be from additional nectar from other flower types.

[edit] Honeydew Honey

Instead of taking nectar, bees can take honeydew, the sweet secretions of aphids or other plant sap-sucking insects. Bees collecting this resource have to be fed protein supplements, as honeydew lacks the protein-rich pollen accompaniment gathered from flowers.

Germany's Black Forest is a well known source of honeydew-based honeys. Honeydew honey is popular in some areas, but in many areas beekeepers have difficulty selling the stronger flavored product.

Honeydew honey has a much larger proportion of indigestibles than light floral honeys, which can cause dysentery, resulting in the death of colonies in areas with cold winters. Good beekeeping management requires the removal of honeydew prior to winter in colder areas.

[edit] Honey processing

  • Comb honey Honey sold still in the original bees' wax comb. Comb honey was once packaged by installing a wooden framework in special honey supers, but this labor intensive method is being replaced by plastic rings or cartridges. With the new approach, a clear cover is usually fitted onto the cartridge after removal from the hive so customers can see the product[citation needed].
  • Certified Organic Honey, according to the USDA, organic honey is quite rare to find due to the fact that most beekeepers "routinely use sulfa compounds and antibiotics to control bee diseases, carbolic acid to remove honey from the hive and calcium cyanide to kill colonies before extracting the honey, not to mention that conventional honeybees gather nectar from plants that have been sprayed with pesticides."
  • Raw honey Honey as it exists in the beehive or as obtained by extraction, settling or straining without adding heat above 120 degrees fahrenheit. Raw honey contains some pollen and may contain small particles of wax. Local raw honey is sought after by allergy sufferers as the pollen impurities are thought to lessen the sensitivity to hay fever (see Medical Applications below).
  • Chunk honey Honey packed in widemouth containers consisting of one or more pieces of comb honey surrounded by extracted liquid honey.
  • Strained honey or filtered honey Honey which has been passed through a mesh material to remove particulate material (pieces of wax, propolis, other defects) without removing pollen. Preferred by the health food trade - it may have a cloudy appearance due to the included pollen, and it also tends to crystallize more quickly than ultrafiltered honey[citation needed].
  • Ultrafiltered honey Honey processed by very fine filtration under high pressure to remove all extraneous solids and pollen grains. The process typically heats honey to 150-170 degrees to more easily pass through the fine filter. Ultrafiltered honey is very clear and has a longer shelf life, because it crystallizes more slowly due to the high temperatures breaking down any sugar seed crystals, making it preferred by the supermarket trade. Ultrafiltration eliminates nutrionally valuable enzymes, such as diastase and invertase[citation needed].
  • Heat-Treated honey Heat-treatment after extraction reduces the moisture level and destroys yeast cells. Heating liquefies crystals in the honey, too. Heat-exposure does also result in product deterioration, as it increases the level of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and reduces enzyme (e.g. diastase) activity. The heat does also affect sensory qualities and reduces the freshness. Heat processing can darken the natural honey color (browning), too. [1]
  • Ultrasonicated honey Ultrasonication is a non-thermal processing alternative for honey. When honey is exposed to ultrasonication, most of the yeast cells are destroyed. Yeast cells that survive sonication generally lose their ability to grow. This reduces the rate of honey fermentation substantially. Ultrasonication does also eliminate existing crystals and inhibit further crystallization in honey. Ultrasonically aided liquefaction can work at substantially lower temperatures of approx. 35 °C and can reduce liquefaction time to less than 30 seconds.[2]

[edit] Other descriptions

  • Churned honey or creamed honey See whipped honey.
  • Crystallized honey Honey in which some of the glucose content has spontaneously crystallized from solution as the monohydrate. Also called "granulated honey."
  • Honey fondant See whipped honey.
  • Organic honey is honey produced, processed, and packaged in accordance with national regulations, and certified as such by some government body or an independent organic farming certification organization. For example, in the United Kingdom, the standard covers not only the origin of bees, but also the siting of the apiaries. These must be on land that is certified as organic, and within a radius of 4 miles from the apiary site, nectar and pollen sources must consist essentially of organic crops or uncultivated areas[3].
  • Set honey All honey will eventually set or granulate and this process can be reversed by gently warming the honey to remelt it. Some honeys set naturally with large granules and taste a little like granulated sugar in honey. Others set like royal icing - very hard and unspreadable. To overcome this problem beekeepers will mix in a small amount of fine-grained honey before it sets and then gently stir the honey to fix the setting prematurely, before it becomes hard, thereby producing a "soft set" honey.
  • Spun honey See whipped honey.

[edit] Honey in history, culture and folklore

In many cultures, honey has associations that go far beyond its use as a food. In language and literature, religion and folk belief, honey is frequently a symbol or talisman for sweetness of every kind.

[edit] Honey collection

Honey collection by humans is an ancient activity. Bee Wilson (2004) states that humans began hunting for honey at least 10,000 years ago. Bee Wilson (2004: p.5) evidences this with a depiction a line drawing of a Mesolithic rock painting showing two honey-hunters collecting honey and honeycomb from a wild nest. The two men are naked and employ a long wobbly ladder which appears to be made out of a kind of grass in order to reach the wild nest. Both men carry baskets or bags. This rock painting is on a wall in a cave in Valencia, Spain.

[edit] Biblical Period

The Old Testament contains many references to honey as a symbol for all that is pleasant and desirable. For example, the book of Exodus famously describes the Promised Land as a 'land flowing with milk and honey' (33:3). There, however, the Hebrew devash refers to the sweet syrup produced from the juice of the date. In contrast, bees' honey is referred to explicitly in The Book of Judges when Samson found a swarm of bees and honey in the carcass of a lion (14:8). Matthew 3:4 John the Baptist lived for a long period of time in the wilderness on a diet consisting of locusts and wild honey. The word "honey" appears 61 times in the King James Version of the Bible.

In Jewish tradition, honey is also a symbol for the new year – Rosh Hashana. At the traditional meal for that holiday, apple slices are dipped into honey and eaten to bring a sweet new year. New Year's greetings for Rosh Hashana very often show honey and an apple, symbolizing the feast. In may congregations, small, plastic straws of honey are given out to usher in the new year.

[edit] Asian region

Honey plays an important role in the festival of Modhu Purnima, celebrated by Buddhists in India and Bangladesh. The day commemorates Buddha's making peace among his disciples by retreating into the wilderness. The story goes that while he was there, a monkey brought him honey to eat. On Modhu Purnima, Buddhists remember this act by giving honey to monks. The monkey's gift is frequently depicted in Buddhist art.

[edit] Mediterranean region

During the Roman Empire, honey was used instead of gold to pay taxes.[citation needed] Even earlier, in the accounts of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Seti I, one hundred pots of honey were equivalent in value to an ass or an ox.[citation needed]

In some parts of Greece, it was formerly the custom for a bride to dip her fingers in honey and make the sign of the cross before entering her new home. This was meant to ensure sweetness in her married life, especially in her relationship with her mother-in-law.

In ancient history, the Ancient Egyptian and Middle-Eastern peoples also used honey for embalming the dead.[19] However, only rich and powerful people had the luxury of this type of funeral. Scythians, and later the other Central Asian nomadic people, for many months drove a wagon with a deceased ruler around the country in their last rites mourning procession, carrying the body in a casket filled with honey.

After his death in battle, the head of Vlad III Ţepeş (of later Dracula fame) was cut off and presented to the Sultan of Turkey, preserved in a jar of honey.

[edit] Western culture

In Western culture, bears are depicted as eating honey, even though most bears actually eat a wide variety of foods, and bears seen at beehives are usually more interested in bee larvae than honey. [20] Honey is sometimes sold in a bear-shaped jar. Teddy bears are associated with honey, possibly because of the influence of Winnie-the-Pooh.[citation needed]

"Honey," along with variations like "honey bun" and "honeypot" and the abbreviation "hon," has become a term of endearment in most of the English-speaking world. In some places it is used for loved ones; in others, such as the American South, it is used when addressing casual acquaintances or even strangers.

[edit] Islamic tradition

The Qur'an mentions rivers of honey in paradise.[21]

"And thy Lord taught the bee to build its cells in hills, on trees and in (men's) habitations...there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for mankind. Verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought".[22]

There is entire Sora in Qur'an called (the Bees) alnahl. According to the hadith of Bukhari, Muhammad liked honey and other sweet things.[23] Prophet Mohammed strongly recommend honey for healing purposes.

[edit] Modern use of honey

Honey output in 2005

Honey output in 2005

In 2005, China, Turkey and the US were the top producers of natural honey, reports FAO.

The main uses of honey are in cooking, baking, as a spread on breads, and as an addition to various beverages such as tea and as a sweetener in commercial beverages such as Sprecher's root beer. Because honey is hygroscopic (drawing moisture from the air), a small quantity of honey added to a pastry recipe will retard staling.[citation needed] Raw honey also contains enzymes that help in its digestion[citation needed], several vitamins and antioxidants.

Honey is the main ingredient in the alcoholic beverage mead, which is also known as "honey wine" or "honey beer" (although it is neither wine nor beer). It is also used as an adjunct in beer. Beer brewed with more than 30% honey as a source of sugar by weight, or mead brewed with malt (with or without hops), is known as braggot.

Its glycemic index ranges from 31 to 78 depending on the variety. (http://www.rirdc.gov.au/reports/HBE/05-027.pdf)

[edit] Ethical concerns

Some vegetarians and vegans avoid using honey because it is an animal product, instead choosing sweetening alternatives such as sugar, maple syrup, agave nectar, rice syrup, dried fruit or stevia.[4] Bees are often killed and hurt due to the human manipulation of beekeeping for industrial production.[5]

[edit] Medicinal uses and health effects of honey

For at least 2700 years, honey has been used to treat a variety of ailments through topical application, but only recently have the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of honey been chemically explained. As an antimicrobial agent honey may have the potential for treating a variety of ailments. One New Zealand researcher says a particular type of honey may be useful in treating MRSA.[24] Antibacterial properties of honey are the result of the low water activity causing osmosis, hydrogen peroxide effect,[25] and high acidity.[26]

[edit] Osmotic effect

Honey is primarily a saturated mixture of two monosaccharides. This mixture has a low water activity; most of the water molecules are associated with the sugars and few remain available for microorganisms, so it is a poor environment for their growth.

[edit] Anti-oxidants

A study found that certain anti-oxidants and vitamins are found in honey in concentrations similar to those in some fruits and vegetables[6][7][8].

[edit] Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide in honey is activated by dilution. However, unlike medical hydrogen peroxide, commonly 3% by volume, it is present in a concentration of only 1 mmol/l in honey. Iron in honey oxidizes the oxygen free radicals released by the hydrogen peroxide.

glucose + H2O + O2 → gluconic acid + H2O2

When used topically (as, for example, a wound dressing), hydrogen peroxide is produced by dilution with body fluids. As a result, hydrogen peroxide is released slowly and acts as an antiseptic.

[edit] In diabetic ulcers

Topical honey has been used successfully in a comprehensive treatment of diabetic ulcers when the patient cannot use other topical antibiotics.[27]

[edit] Acidity

The pH of honey is commonly between 3.2 and 4.5.[26] This relatively acidic pH level prevents the growth of many bacteria.

[edit] Nutraceutical effects

According to recent findings, honey may have some significant nutraceutical effects (or positive long-term health effects resulting from honey's consumption). In addition to its primary carbohydrate content, honey often contains polyphenols, which can act as antioxidants.[28] Antioxidants in honey have even been implicated in reducing the damage done to the colon in colitis.[29] Furthermore, some studies suggest that honey may be effective in increasing the populations of probiotic bacteria in the gut, which may help strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, lower cholesterol[30][31][32] and prevent colon cancer.[33]

Such claims are consistent with its use in many traditions of folk medicine.[34]

[edit] Other medical applications

Some studies suggest that the topical use of honey may reduce odors, swelling, and scarring when used to treat wounds; it may also prevent the dressing from sticking to the healing wound.[26]

Honey has been shown to be an effective treatment for conjunctivitis in rats.[35]

Honey (especially when combined with lemon) is often taken orally by pharyngitis and laryngitis sufferers, in order to soothe them.[citation needed]

Though widely believed to alleviate allergies, local honey has been shown to be no more effective than placebos in controlled studies.[36] This may be due to the fact that most seasonal allergies are caused by tree and grass pollens, which honeybees do not collect.

[edit] Precautions

Due to the natural presence of botulinum endospores in honey, children under one year of age should not be given honey. The more developed digestive systems of older children and adults generally destroy the spores. Infants, however, can contract botulism from honey.[37]

Honey produced from the flowers of rhododendrons, mountain laurels, sheep laurel and azaleas may cause Honey Intoxication. Symptoms include dizziness, weakness, excessive perspiration, nausea and vomiting. Less commonly, low blood pressure, shock, heart rhythm irregularities and convulsions may occur, with rare cases resulting in death. Honey Intoxication is more likely when using "natural" unprocessed honey and honey from farmers who may have a small number of hives. Commercial processing, with pooling of honey from numerous sources generally dilutes any toxins.[38]

Toxic honey may also result when bees are in close proximity to tutu bushes (Coriaria arborea) and the vine hopper insect (Scolypopa australis).[citation needed] Both are found throughout New Zealand. Bees gather honeydew produced by the vine hopper insects feeding on the tutu plant. This introduces the poison tutin into honey. Only a few areas in New Zealand (Coromandel Peninsula, Eastern Bay of Plenty and the Marlborough Sound) frequently produce toxic honey. Symptoms of tutin poisoning include vomiting, delirium, giddiness, increased excitability, stupor, coma and violent convulsions. As little as one teaspoon of toxic honey may produce severe effects in humans.[citation needed] In order to reduce the risk of tutin poisoning, humans should not eat honey taken from feral hives in the risk areas of New Zealand. Since December 2001, New Zealand beekeepers have been required to reduce the risk of producing toxic honey by closely monitoring tutu, vine hopper, and foraging conditions within 3 km of their apiary.

[edit] Images of harvesting honey

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